
Search Results 1 to 11 for "pluchea" (11 Total)

Credit: Forest & Kim Sta... | Plants of Hawaii, Image 050419-6497 from | License: CC-BY-3.0
Cure For All (Pluchea carolinensis)

Camphor Pluchea (Pluchea camphorata)

Stinking Camphorweed (Pluchea foetida)

Credit: Forest & Kim Sta... | Plants of Hawaii, Image 030625-0016 from | License: CC-BY-3.0
Indian Camphorweed (Pluchea indica)

Longleaf Camphorweed (Pluchea longifolia)

Sweetscent (Pluchea odorata)

Rosy Camphorweed (Pluchea rosea)

Wingstem Camphorweed (Pluchea sagittalis)

Credit: Stan Shebs | Own work | License: CC-BY-SA-2.5 CC-BY-SA-3.0-migrated GFDL
Arrowweed (Pluchea sericea)

Credit: Forest & Kim Sta... | Plants of Hawaii, Image 010206-0230 from | License: CC-BY-3.0
Camphorweed (Pluchea)

Yucatan Camphorweed (Pluchea yucatanensis)

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